Application for Financing

BUDDY'S AUTO PAINT & BODY                                                                              
16535 HWY 6 Santa Fe, TX 77517
OFFICE: 409-925-8081  FAX: 409-925-2387            

                                           CREDIT APPLICATION

Applicant's Name                       Spouse's Name                             

Date Of Birth                Age          Spouse's Date Of Birth                 Age           

Social Security #                       Spouse's Social Security #                     

Cell Phone #                               Spouse's Cell Phone #                              

Current Address                                 How Long At This Address        

City                      , TX Zip Code                        County                                   

Drivers License #                   Spouse's Drivers License #                    

Employer                                  Spouse's Employer                             

Employer's Address                       Spouse's Employer's Address                       

Employer's Phone #                       Spouse's Employer's Phone #                         

How Long At Job?               How Long at Spouse's Job?             

Previous Employer                        Spouse's Previous Employer                           

Previous Employer's #                  Spouses Previous Employer's #                     

EMAIL  *must provide current one*                                                                

Buyer's Parent's Name(s)                            Address                                           

City              ,State            Zip code               Phone Number                           

How long at this address?            

Spouse's Parent(s) Name                                          Address                              

City                     ,State            Zip code                   Phone Number                          

 How long at this address?            


Signature:                                                Date:                                       

I/We authorize the lending institution to make whatever credit inquires that it 
deem necessary in connection with this credit application, or in the course of 
review or collection of any credit extended in reference to this application. 
I/We authorize and instruct any person or consumer-reporting agency to 
compile and furnish the lending institution any information that it may have 
or obtain in response to such credit inquires and that such information along 
with this application, shall remain the lending institution's property whether 
or not credit is extended.


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